AI Travel

Are you ready to tap into the $1.3 trillion global travel industry? Imagine the immense potential of an AI-powered Travel app, leveraging ChatGPT's cutting-edge technology to offer personalized recommendations and unforgettable travel experiences to millions of wanderlust-driven users worldwide. With the option to show travel destinations via a local JSON file, you have the power to update this app with any destinations you want, creating a unique list of travel spots for your users. The AI Assistant powered by ChatGPT is what makes this app shine, giving users the capability to ask different travel-related questions.


You will get the source code of the app that you see in the video demo. Nothing more or less than what the video demo shows. Feel free to ask questions before buying. The app is built using SwiftUI. The app loads all travel destinations via a local JSON file, which makes it easier for you to replace these destinations with something different. The AI Assistant feature uses ChatGPT API, and there are custom prompts in the AppConfig that you can edit or add more travel-related prompts.


You will need a Mac computer with Xcode 14+ installed. This app requires iOS 16+. All app templates on this website are for iPhones, with no iPad support. An AdMob account is necessary if you want to show ads in the app. We provide you with some basic PDF documentation on how to replace the AdMob Interstitial Ad identifiers, and how to replace the in-app purchase product identifier. You will need an account with OpenAI to use ChatGPT. The app is using the "gpt-3.5-turbo" model, which is one of the most performant and affordable ChatGPT models at the moment. OpenAI will charge you based on the text tokens/length, which right now costs around $0.002 per 1,000 tokens.


- The main dashboard of the app, shows a header with travel categories. You can easily customize these via AppConfig.

- When a category is selected, the app will show a horizontal carousel with up to 3 destinations, then the user can tap the 'More Destinations' button to see a grid of all destinations for a selected category. Keep in mind that each category has a limited number of destinations, just to showcase how the app works. You are encouraged to add more travel destinations.

- Selecting a travel destination, will take users to a travel destination details screen, where they can see one or more images for that destination. All images are stored locally in the project, which makes it so easy for you to replace them. The destination details include the name, the geographical location, short summary of the destination, and the best time to visit.

- At the bottom of the main dashboard screen, there is the AI Assistant feature, that once it's tapped will launch the AI Assistant flow.

- The AI Assistant flow is powered by ChatGPT API. We have 6 custom prompts for the assistant, which tell ChatGPT to recommend trip itineraries, affordable hotels, popular activities/events, and much more. You can add more ChatGPT prompts in the AppConfig file, it's very easy to do that.

- By default, the app limits the number of prompts and AI Assistant messages, but the user can unlock all prompts and buy more in-app credits for the AI Assistant via in-app purchases. Each submitted question to the AI Assistant will charge the user 1 coin/credit, and they can buy more credits using in-app purchases. You must provide your own ChatGPT API Key and the coins/credits offered via in-app purchases are unrelated to your API balance.

- In-App Purchases are handled via a private framework. This framework doesn't support subscriptions. You can use this framework for any other games/apps you want to add in-app purchases. If you want auto-renewable subscriptions, please contact us or search for 'PurchaseKit by Apps4World' on the website in order to get the full version of the PurchaseKit product.   


There are so many ways that you improve this app. A travel budget planner could be very useful, so users can get recommendations from ChatGPT based on their budget. Blog partnership is not only a great way to much more money with a few downloads, but also helps users to discover new travel-related news. Travel guides for sale could be a huge success, offering your users full guides for popular destinations. Such guides may have information about the trip duration, where to stay, where to eat, fun things to do, adventures, and events. These are just a few ideas for you to implement once your app is live on the App Store.


If you need any assistance or customization work, don't hesitate to send us an email at 

As always, we wish you good luck with this product, and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, so you could be the first one to know when a new app template is released.

Price: $119
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