Water Tracker

Interactive Widgets for iOS 17 represent a fresh and exciting app category. Launching an app with interactive widget functionality presents a fantastic opportunity to be highlighted by Apple and prominent tech news outlets. Although the idea of water tracking isn't novel, it's noteworthy that apps such as Funn Media's Waterminder have recently generated substantial revenue, like $20,000 in the past month. Make a splash in the App Store with our Water Tracker – where style meets interactivity, ready to impress!


You will get the source code of the app that you see in the video demo. Nothing more or less than what the video demo shows. Feel free to ask questions before buying. This app is created using the latest SwiftUI and Xcode versions, utilizing Apple's newest technology, SwiftData, an excellent alternative to CoreData. All hydration records are securely stored in SwiftData and seamlessly integrated with the Home Screen Interactive Widgets, which are compatible with both Small and Medium size formats.


You will need a Mac computer with Xcode 15+. This app requires iOS 17+. All app templates on this website are for iPhones without iPad support. An AdMob account is necessary if you want to show ads in the app. We provide you with some basic PDF documentation on how to replace the AdMob Interstitial Ad identifiers, and how to replace the in-app purchase product identifier.


- The app's main dashboard displays the user's daily hydration goal progress and offers options for logging water intake.

- Users can use a custom slider to specify the quantity and type of beverage, such as water, tea, or coffee, and access an expandable drink gallery available through in-app purchases.

- The history section presents engaging statistics, including average daily consumption, drink logging frequency, and goal achievement rate. It also highlights users' preferred beverages and features a native SwiftUI chart tracking hourly drink intake or a 30-day beverage overview.

- Initially, the app allows logging of up to two drinks, a setting adjustable in AppConfig. Users can enhance their experience by purchasing unlimited drink tracking and access to a wider variety of drink types.

- The app supports small and medium size widgets for the Home Screen, which are interactive and requires iOS 17+. All drinks records are stored in SwiftData.

- In-App Purchases are handled via a private framework. This framework doesn't support subscriptions. You can use this framework for any other games/apps you want to add in-app purchases. If you want auto-renewable subscriptions, please contact us or search for 'PurchaseKit by Apps4World' on the website in order to get the full version of the PurchaseKit product. 


Combine this source code with our Calories Tracker, Wellness Companion, or BMI Calculator apps for an all-in-one health hub application. Consider adding daily journaling or a habit-tracking feature as well. Integration with HealthKit could be a great way to add more health-related statistics. With this solid foundation, you can take your app to new heights and empower users on their health journey. Enhance your portfolio with top-tier health apps and open doors to potential acquisition opportunities by major health companies, a realistic pathway to significant financial success.


If you need any assistance or customization work, don't hesitate to send us an email at support@apps4world.com 

As always, we wish you good luck with this product, and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, so you could be the first one to know when a new app template is released.

Price: $99
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Effortless Sips: Track Water with a Touch!

Launch your way to App Store success with this SwiftUI source code.
Boasting the latest in Apple tech – SwiftData and iOS 17 Interactive Widgets.